Resource Insights: 06/01/2019

Resource Insights: 06/01/2019 1

There are also preposterous, but widely believed claims about the probability of a hydrogen economy. The power independence story appeals to a deeply held belief in American life: Good old American ingenuity can solve any issue. For those worried about world peak oil creation (and peak gas and coal, for example), nothing of the above responses seem adequate or, in some full cases, entirely ethical, with regard to environmental effects such as global warming especially. The problems with such responses have been detailed again and again on the web, in specialized publications, and in many places in the mainstream media.

If this is actually the case, why the peak oil story and the countless warnings about such reactions to our energy challenges aren’t middle stage in the American awareness? A couple of of reasons a lot, but I propose to go over what I believe is a critical one: The peak oil movement has been concentrated mainly on selling a fresh narrative to the public without first dislodging the prevailing one.

Let me dwell for a couple moments on the astonishing success of the so-called 911 truth motion. In discussing its success, I make no promises whatsoever about the validity of the movement’s conclusions. Given that hardly any of the 911 truth movement’s contentions have been widely reported by mainstream sources–and when they are they’re usually ridiculed–how can we take into account this success? I don’t believe all of it can be attributed to the power of the web.

The peak oil movement also has a wide-ranging and intelligent Internet existence, but has not broken through in a similar way. I think we can take into account the 911 truth movement’s success by looking at the focus of its advertising campaign. That focus amazingly has not been on replacing the official 911 story as exemplified by the 911 Commission Report, but instead on discrediting it.

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The strategy has been to raise as many questions as you possibly can about the official version of events. In comparison, those in the peak oil movement generally start a conversation about essential oil depletion with an effort to describe Hubbert’s Peak. It is a laudable impulse to want to educate people who have all the known facts.

But it is not necessarily the most efficient way to sway a mass audience. Take into account that many of those proposing the solutions layed out in the first paragraph of the piece do not dispute peak oil theory. Fortunately, the peak oil movement has a hill of proof with which to discredit the state story.

Less fortunately, there is no single recognized government record or -panel to spotlight. This helps it be more difficult, but not impossible, to mount a campaign to discredit bogus solutions for addressing energy depletion. However, it isn’t necessary to demolish every single argument helping a seamless transition to a cornucopian future.

It is only necessary to start by contacting into question some of those arguments in order to start the process of undermining the state tale. Questions lead to more questions which lead to openness to an alternative narrative about the continuing future of society and the earth. Again, luckily, the peak essential oil movement does have a coherent choice narrative about the direction society should go, which narrative is complete with action plans. That narrative includes emphasis on efficiency; conservation; relocalization of every aspect of our lives nearly; lasting energy resources such as breeze and solar sincerely; public transportation; small development; redevelopment of metropolitan areas; small-scale, low-input agriculture; and a great many other specifics.