Kids’ Beauty Pageants: Good Or Bad

Kids' Beauty Pageants: Good Or Bad 1

Have you ever been associated with child pageants? You understand – beauty pageants for kids. Maybe you’re one particular people who feel beauty pageants are bad for the contestants. Or possibly you think they’re okay for older women, but that they’re not alright for small children. There has been an issue raging for a long time about beauty pageants, about entering small children in glitz pageants especially. Many people think they’re evil, claiming that the wonder pageants are more for the parents than for the young children.

Aficionados swear that their kids love doing the pageants. So who’s informing the truth? And moreover, are child pageants bad or good? Actually, there’s some veracity on both sides of the debate. My granddaughter and niece have been doing child pageants for several years, plus they both love pageantry.

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My granddaughter started when she was two. She received her very first beauty pageant, which started us on the road to other successes. She’s earned many times, and she’s lost many times, but she always enjoyed the procedure. To begin with, she absolutely loves her pageant dresses. In fact, after the beauty pageant has ended, she doesn’t want to take the dress off.

She also enjoys using the other little girls backstage and has made several friends that way. She prefers being on stage, too. In fact, when she was more youthful, we’d a nagging problem getting her OFF the stage. She’d have been properly pleased to frolic on the stage throughout the infant pageant. I’m going to be the first ever to acknowledge, she doesn’t look after the makeup program.

It was a real problem when she was two. She just didn’t want to sit down still that long. My granddaughter and niece are in beauty pageants, unless they want to be never. When we see an interesting pageant, we tell girls about it and have if they’d prefer to compete.

They more often than not answer with a keen “yes!”, however when they don’t really, we don’t put them in the pageant. If we go long between beauty pageants too, they nag us about doing another one. Alternatively, one of my young granddaughters hates being in pageants. She asked us if she could be in one, so we allowed her to compete. She didn’t appreciate it, however, so she never again competed.

She’s very shy and being in front of so many people made her unpleasant onstage. Beauty pageants aren’t for everyone! On the flip side, I can understand why child beauty pageants get a bad rap sometimes. I’ve seen a few mothers backstage who had been awful. The youngsters did not desire to be in the beauty pageant, and it was obvious, but the mothers threatened and intimidated them into happening stage.

= $ =p> When the young kids, the mothers were furious with them. What did they expect? Stage personality is important in the total score, and the judges can inform if a child is happy or not. Some pageantry grandmas and mothers are terrible losers. They blame everybody else when their kids don’t win, of using the experience as a learning tool for sportsmanship instead.

Kids are smart, plus they absorb everything. They quickly pick up on the negatives of child beauty pageants. Or should I say on the negatives of bad behavior of some moms involved with child beauty pageants. When my granddaughter has lost in beauty pageants, we always congratulate the winners. She usually runs up to the winner and provides her a large hug! This is the type or kind of adult we want her to grow into.